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Deploying the CI Engine

The Collaborative Intelligence Engine can be deployed as a Data Experience Definition package utilizing Cinchy's DXD tool. The package contains all of the tables, queries, syncs, etc. needed to run the CI Engine. Using DXD, these objects will be exported from the CI source environment and imported into your target environment.


Prior to deploying the Collaborative Intelligence Engine, take note of the following requirements:

  • The Cinchy Platform (TSQL only)
  • The CI Engine Data Experience Definition package
  • Cinchy DXD must be installed in the source environment

Data Experience Definition Package

Upon deploying the CI Engine's Data Experience Definition package, the following objects will appear in your environment. You can cross-reference this list after deployment to confirm that the CI Engine package installed correctly.

  • Domains:
    • The [Collaborative Intelligence] domain will be created, if not already present in your environment.
  • Tables:
    • [Collaborative Intelligence].[Questions] : Used to feed prompts/questions into the CI Engine.
    • [Collaborative Intelligence].[Answers] : Contains the responses to any prompts given in the Questions table.
    • [Collaborative Intelligence].[AI Models] : Lists the AI models that have been configured for use with the CI Engine. See here for more detail about configuring your AI models.
    • [Collaborative Intelligence].[AI Models Execution Log] : Tracks execution status and errors.
    • [Collaborative Intelligence].[Answer Formats] : Used to define the format that you want answers to be delivered in. See here for more detail about configuring you answer formats.
  • Saved Queries:
    • Sync Placeholders Now
    • Save Answer
    • Answer Every N Seconds
    • Answer All Now
    • Log AI Model Execution
    • Generate AI Input
    • Update AI Model Input JSON
    • Update Answer Target Column Now
    • Log AI Input CQL
    • Update All Target Columns Now
    • Log AI Input JSON
    • Reset Stuck Switches
  • Groups:
    • CI Engine Admins: This group gives edit access to all of the objects in the package.
  • User Defined Functions:
    • getAnswer
    • logAIModelExecution
  • Data Sync Configurations:
    • Answer Every N Seconds
    • Answer All Now
    • Answer Now
    • Sync Placeholders Now
    • Update Answer Target Column
    • Update All Answer Target Columns Now

How to deploy

  1. Using Cinchy DXD, export the Collaborative Intelligence Engine data experience package out of the Cinchy source environment.
  2. Using Cinchy DXD, install the CI Engine data experience package into your target environment.
  3. Validate that the deployment was successful by cross-referencing that the above list of tables/queries/syncs/etc. is available in your target environment.
  4. Navigate to the [Collaborative Intelligence].[Answer Format] table and approve all of the pending data.
  5. Navigate to the [Collaborative Intelligence].[AI Models] table and approve all of the pending data.
  6. The [Collaborative Intelligence].[Questions] table relies on Bearer Token/Personal Access Token authorization to produce results that adhere to Cinchy's federated access controls. (I.E., answers will only return insights based on data that the token has access to.) Navigate to the [Cinchy].[Secrets] table and input whichever tokens that you want available when configuring questions for the CI Engine.
  7. Navigate to the Connections Experience. For each of the data syncs deployed via the DXD, ensure that the Job tab is set to Enabled.

Further Reading