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Deploying and Configuring the DA Engine

The Data Activation Engine can be deployed as a Data Experience Definition package utilizing Cinchy's DXD tool. The package contains all of the tables, queries, syncs, and other objects needed to run the DA Engine. Using DXD, these objects will be exported from the CI source environment and imported into your target environment.


Prior to deploying the Data Activation Engine, take note of the following requirements:

  • The Cinchy Platform v5.11+ (SQL Server only)
  • The DA Engine Data Experience Definition package
  • Cinchy DXD must be installed in the source environment

Data Experience Definition Package

Upon deploying the DA Engine's Data Experience Definition package, the following objects will appear in your environment. You can cross-reference this list after deployment to confirm that the DAA Engine package installed correctly.

  • Domains:
    • The [Human Activation] and [Data Activation] domains will be created, if not already present in your environment.
  • Tables:
    • [Human Automation].[My Tasks]
    • [Human Automation].[Email Alerts]
    • [Data Activation].[Data Activation Rules]
    • [Data Activation].[Data Activated Tasks]
    • [Data Activation].[Data Activation Categories]
  • Saved Queries:
    • Task Email Alerts
    • Data Activation Rules CQL
    • Run Data Activation Rules
    • Get Data Activated Tasks
    • Generate Formatting Rules
  • User Defined Functions:
    • runDataActivationRules
  • Data Sync Configurations:
    • Send Email Alert
    • Task Email Alerts
    • Open Tasks - Data Activation Tasks
    • Sync Generated Formatting Rules
  • System Colours
    • Gold
    • Indigo

How to deploy

  1. Using Cinchy DXD, export the Data Activation Engine data experience package out of the Cinchy source environment.
  2. Using Cinchy DXD, install the DA Engine data experience package into your target environment.
  3. Validate that the deployment was successful by cross-referencing that the above list of tables/queries/syncs/etc. is available in your target environment.

Configuring the DA Engine

There are various ways that you can configure your CI Engine to optimize the insights being returned to you. These configuration include: