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API overview


Cinchy has various available APIs, each performing important functions for your use cases.

For example, using the MyQuery API will allow you to turn any Saved Query on your platform into a REST API.

Many of the APIs listed on this page can use Bearer Tokens or Personal Access Tokens to authenticate. Please review the API Authentication page for further information.

List of endpoints

The following is a list of common API endpoints. These follow the format of <baseurl> endpoint.


This endpoint will bring you to a page with your database health check. This page also allows you to change your system's logo. This endpoint can only be reached by an Admin user.

Example URL:

Example response Admin Index Response


This endpoint will open the model loader, which is used to import data models between Cinchy instances.

Example URL:

Example response Model Loader Response


This endpoint will bring you to a page with your platform health check. The platform healthcheck will show you important status information about your environment.

Example URL:

Response schema:

componentIdentifies the system component."Cinchy"
versionSpecifies the version of the component."5.0.0"
buildIdentifierThe build identifier for the current version."release/v5.7/b7cd786fd721ac69e0d8d8c4"
ipAddressArray of IP addresses associated with the component.["876.31.167.197"]
systemTimeThe current system time in UTC format."2024-03-13T13:31:12.1294819Z"
statusOverall health status of the system."Green"
healthChecks[].nameName of the specific health check."Database Connectivity"
healthChecks[].descriptionDescription of what the health check entails."Validates that the application can connect to the database"
healthChecks[].statusStatus of the health check."Green"

Example response

"component": "Cinchy",
"version": "5.9.0",
"buildIdentifier": "release/v5.7/b7cd786fd721ac69e0d8d8c4",
"ipAddress": [
"systemTime": "2024-03-13T13:31:12.1294819Z",
"status": "Green",
"healthChecks": [
"name": "Database Connectivity",
"description": "Validates that the application can connect to the database",
"status": "Green"
"name": "Identity Provider",
"description": "Validates that the application can connect to the Cinchy IdP",
"status": "Green"


The /idp/healthcheck provides a comprehensive status check for the Cinchy Single Sign-On (SSO) component. It returns a JSON response detailing various aspects of the system's health and operational status.

*Example URL:

Response schema

componentIdentifies the system component."Cinchy"
versionSpecifies the version of the component."5.9.0"
buildIdentifierThe build identifier for the current version."release/v5.9/b7cd786fd721ac69e0d8d8c4"
ipAddressArray of IP addresses associated with the component.[""]
systemTimeThe current system time in UTC format."2024-03-13T13:50:02.7435816Z"
statusOverall health status of the system."Green"
healthChecks[].nameName of the specific health check."Database Connectivity"
healthChecks[].descriptionDescription of what the health check entails."Validates that the application can connect to the database"
healthChecks[].statusStatus of the health check."Green"

Example response:

"component": "Cinchy SSO",
"version": "5.9.0",
"buildIdentifier": "release/v5.9/76017f43b9171f16cc9e0bb5",
"ipAddress": [
"systemTime": "2024-03-13T13:50:02.7435816Z",
"status": "Green",
"healthChecks": [
"name": "Database Connectivity",
"description": "Validates that the application can connect to the database",
"status": "Green"


This endpoint checks the health and version information of the Connections API. It's useful for monitoring the API's status and its current version in deployment.

Example URL:

Response schema:

componentThe name of the API component being checked."Connections API"
versionThe current version of the Connections API."5.9.0"
buildIdentifierA unique identifier for the build, usually including commit hash and branch information."refs/heads/release/v5.9/be511e3a10a77c6c1df083f20d214e34a808415f"

Example response

{"component":"Connections API","version":"5.9.0","buildIdentifier":"release/v5.9/76017f43b9171f16cc9e0bb5"}


This endpoint will bring you to a page with your Meta-Forms health check.

Example URL:

Response schema:

componentThe name of the API component being checked."Meta-Forms"
versionThe current version of the Connections API."5.9.3"
buildIdentifierA unique identifier for the build, usually including commit hash and branch information."refs/heads/release/v5.9/be511e3a10a77c6c1df083f20d214e34a808415f"
githubURLThe URL to the GitHub repository that stores the application""

Example response

"version": "5.9.3",
"buildIdentifier": "refs/heads/release/v5.9.3/ab9b84b1c5565e36b22254a1660c3518cf3eb11e",
"githubURL": ""


This endpoint will delete your platform cache data.


POST: Https://<Cinchy Web URL>/API/ExecuteCQL

Use this to execute CQL directly without creating a Saved Query.

Query parameters

NameData TypeDescription
CompressJSONBooleanDefault is true. Add this parameter and set to false if you want the JSON that's returned to be expanded rather than having the schema being returned separately.
ResultFormatstring- XML
TypestringQUERY - Query (Approved Data Only)
DRAFT_QUERY - Query (Include Draft Changes)
SCALAR - Scalar
NONQUERY - Non Query, such as an insert or delete
VERSION_HISTORY_QUERY - Query (Include Version History)
TransactionIdstringWhen one or more requests share the same TransactionId, they're considered to be within the scope of a single transaction.
QuerystringThe CQL query statement to execute
ParametersBooleanSee below on format for the parameters.
SchemaOnlyintegerDefaults to false.
StartRowintegerWhen implementing pagination, specify a starting offset. Combine with RowCount to set the size of the data window.
RowCountintegerWhen implementing pagination, specify the number of rows to retrieve for the current page. Combine with StartRow to set the paging position.
CommandTimeoutstringUse this parameter to override the default timeout (30s) for long running queries. In seconds.
UserIdstringID of a user with authorization to run the saved query.

Header parameters

NameData TypeDescription
AuthorizationstringBearer <access_token>. The access token can be either a Bearer token or Personal Access token. See Authentication for details.


  • 200 (OK)


To pass in parameters in your executeCQL, use this format. For one parameter, include 3 query parameters starting with Parameters[0]. For a second parameter, add 3 more query parameters starting with Parameters[1]..

Query String Parameter NameContent
Parameters[n].ParameterNameName of the parameter, including '@'. Example: @name
Parameters[n].XmlSerializedValueXML serialized value. Example: "test"
Parameters[n].ValueTypeData type of the value. Example: System.String


You can access any Saved Query via API endpoint by passing in the REST API URL and either a Bearer Token or a PAT. For more details on this functionality, please review the documentation here


POST: Https://<Cinchy SSO URL>/identity/connect/token

The Post Request will return an access token which can be used to access Cinchy APIs.

Header parameters

NameData TypeDescription

Body parameters

NameData TypeDescription
TokenstringYou can pass in your base64 encoded SAML token instead of your Cinchy username and password
Client_idstringClient Id value from Integrated Clients table
Client_secretstringGUID value from Integrated Clients table
UsernamestringUsername of Cinchy user
PasswordstringPassword for Cinchy user in plain text
Grant_TypestringSet as "password" for username/password authentication. Set as "saml2" for SAML token authentication.
Scopestringv5.9 or below: Set as js_api
v5.10+: This should match the "Permitted Scopes" column from the [Cinchy].[Integrated Clients] table of the associated client.


200: The request is successful.

// {
"access_token": "eyUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkE4M0UwQTFEQTY1MzE0NkZENUQxOTFDMzRDNTQ0RDJDODYyMzMzMzkiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXQiOiJxRDRLSGFaVEZHX1YwWkhEVEZSTkxJWWpNemsifQ.eyJuYmYiOjE1NTQxMzE4MjAsImV4cCI6MTU1NDEzNTQyMCwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDo4MDgxIiwiYXVkIjpbImh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6ODA4MS9yZXNvdXJjZXMiLCJqc19hcGkiXSwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiYWJjIiwic3ViIjoiMSIsImF1dGhfdGltZSI6MTU1NDEzMTgyMCwiaWRwIjoibG9jYWwiLCJwcm9maWxlIjoiQWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvciIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWRtaW5AY2luY2h5LmNvIiwicm9sZSI6IkNpbmNoeSBVc2VyIEFjY291bnQiLCJpZCI6ImFkbWluIiwic2NvcGUiOlsianNfYXBpIl0sImFtciI6WyJjdXN0b20iXX0.N7drAlvtFiQoN4njs1rd5ZnTvJ_x8ZEnUEi6G1GjR4FS5FyS4hC6xdsT-Zhn1yRJQMkI2HA7HMPWwjsfkZ0IlBwuC25ECkGhbjv7DlK6baHQIkqeB0aTB9aDZSxWfDhV66O0dhby6EIEa4YuGspyjQMsDpx_LimmE9alfsUU-608944ZZkS6lBJlJ9LFCC5hYKARQIMZavrftz0tFUBsDU0T2fHpLNGo5GGwG1f9jUZTWTu7s3C05EsgboW3scUfDzjS_Wf55ExwhopIg9SD6ktHYYNRaCPtfMhU-e43l6a2LH-XrmP7OfoxJP2bvTMcvQCQWUEizKHuxKLl-ehWBw",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "Bearer"

400: For invalid parameters, a 400 error will be returned with the following JSON response with a description of the error.**

"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "Invalid username or password"


This will return your IDP URL endpoint.



This API will return a secret from the Cinchy Secrets Manager table.

Header parameters

NameData TypeDescription
AuthorizationstringBearer <access_token>. The access token can be either a Bearer token or Personal Access token. See Authentication for details.

Body parameters

<base-url>Your Cinchy base URL.
<secret-name>Name of the secret, as it appears in the Cinchy Secrets table.
<domain-name>Domain where your secret resides.

Blank example


Populated example<ExampleSecret>&domain=<Sandbox>

The API will return an object in the below format:

"secretValue": "password123"


*v5.10+ - * POST: Https://<Connections-URL>/api/v1.0/jobs

Older versions - POST: Https://<Connections-URL>/api/jobs

This endpoint can be used to trigger a batch data sync job that has been configured in Cinchy.

Request Header parameters

NameData TypeDescription
AuthorizationstringBearer <access_token>. The access token can be either a Bearer token or Personal Access token. See Authentication for details.

Body parameters


Note that the parameter names "files" and "options" are both case sensitive and must use lowercase in your JSON. The contents of the parameters themselves aren't case sensitive.

NameData TypeDescription
filesbinaryThe URL to any file(s) needed to be uploaded to be used in place of a parameter in the data sync
optionsstringA JSON string of the data sync options. See here for the structure of this JSON string.

Options - JSON structure

"paramValues": {
"<name of parameter in sync>": {
"isFile": <set to true if this parameter corresponds to a file, otherwise set it to false>,
"value": "<value of the parameter, if the parameter corresponds to a file, then it should match the file name that was uploaded>"
"server": "<cinchy url without protocol>",
"useHttps": <true or false, depending on the server's protocol>,
"userId": "<username of the user you want to run the data sync as, leave as null if you want to run it as the user associated with the access token used in the Authorization header>",
"password": "<password of the user you want to run the data sync as, leave as null if you want to run it as the user associated with the access token used in the Authorization header>",
"pat": "<personal access token of the user you want to run the data sync as. An alternative to userId/password.>",
"model": "Cinchy",
"feed": "<name of the data sync configuration>",
"batchsize": <Set to 5000 for the default behaviour - the size of the batches when performing inserts/updates/deletes in the target, set to 5000 if you want the default behaviour>,
"retrievalbatchsize": <Set to 5000 for the default behaviour - this is the size of the batches when retrieving records from the source to process>,
"writeToFile": <Set to true for the default behaviour - This will ensure it will write records to temp files on disk to save memory on larger syncs. If this is set to false, it'll store source records in memory, which will be faster for smaller data syncs>

"server": "",
"useHttps": "true",
"password": "cinchy",
"userId": "admin",
"model": "Cinchy",
"feed": "API Data Sync",
"batchsize": 5000,
"retrievalbatchsize": 5000,
"writeToFile": "true"

Endpoint example

--request POST
--header 'Authorization: Bearer xxx’
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'
--form files=@/Users/admin/
--form 'options={ "paramValues": { "file": { "isFile": true, "value": "FBL costing model with upload to SF.xlsx" } }, "server": "", "useHttps": "true", "password": null, "userId": null, "model": "Cinchy", "feed": "API Data Sync", "batchsize": 5000, "retrievalbatchsize": 5000, "writeToFile": "true"}'


**200:The request was successful.

executionId = "<The Cinchy Id of the data sync execution, it will correspond go the Cinchy Id of the newly created record in the [Cinchy.[Execution Log] table>"

400: The request couldn't be completed.**

status = <Http status code>,
message = "<Error message>"