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System properties

System Properties is a table within Cinchy for managing system properties, such as default time zones, system lockout durations, password expiration, password properties, password attempts allowed etc.


The Default of the Systems Properties table is set up as follows:

Property IDNameValue (Default)
2Default Time ZoneEastern Standard Time
12Password Attempts Allowed3
13System Lockout Duration (minutes)15
8Minimum Password Length8
9Password Requires Symbols1
10Password Requires Numbers1
11Password Expiration (Days)90
15Maintenance Enabled0

Image 1: Default Set Up


Please note that this table is case sensitive.

Configure the table values

The System Properties requirements can be changed by an admin user by editing the 'Value' columns where applicable.

User time zones

Users can set their own time zones in their user profile. To change your personal time zone:

  1. In Cinchy, select the user icon then select Settings.
  2. Enter the preferred time zone. Refer to the Time zones section for a list of time zones for your database.

Default time zone

Database Access Requirements

The Cinchy application must have application READ access to the following tables depending on the database in use:

  • PGSQL: pg_timezone_names
  • TSQL: sys.time_zone_info

The default time zone values are entered manually and must match the Name column in the Time zones section for your database type (PGSQL or TSQL). Cinchy defaults to Eastern Standard Time for TSQL and Canada/Eastern for PGSQL.


You must be an administrator to change the default time zone for Cinchy

To change the default time zone:

  1. Go to the System Properties table.
  2. Copy the Name from the Time Zone the Time Zones section.
  3. Under The Default Time Zone row, paste the name into the Value column for the Default Time Zone row.

For changes to take effect, you must either clear the application cache or restart the instance.


To select Eastern Standard Time (UTC -5) as your default time zone for TSQL:

  1. Go to the Time Zone reference tables below and select the TSQL tab.
  2. Copy Eastern Standard Time.
  3. Paste the value into the Value column for the Default Time Zone row.
  4. Restart your instance or clear your cache.

If you enter an incorrect value in the Value column, then it will default to Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Minimum password length

The minimum password length is 8 characters. The length will always default to 8 if an invalid value is provided, or if you attempt to set it to less than 8. This number can be changed (made higher than 8) in the Value column to require users to have longer passwords.

Password requires symbols

This property specifies whether symbols are required in a user's password. The 'Value' 0 means symbols aren't required and 1 means they're required.

Password requires numbers

This property specifies whether numbers are required in a user's password. The 'Value' 0 means numbers aren't required and 1 means they're required.


For a new password policy to take effect, you can set all user's Password Expiration Timestamp to yesterday. They will need to change their password the next time they attempt to log in.

Password expiration (days)

This property specifies how many days until a password expires. This defaults to 90 but can be set to be shorter or longer by changing the number in the 'Value' column.

Password attempts allowed

This property specifies how many bad password attempts a user can make before they're locked out of the system. The default is 3 but this can be set to be more or less attempts by changing the number in the 'Value' column.

System lockout duration (minutes)

This property specifies how long a user is locked out of the system once they've run out of bad password attempts. The default is 15 minutes but this can be set to be shorter or longer by changing the number in the 'Value' column.


An administrator can also go into the 'Users' table to manually unlock a user by clearing the Locked Timestamp.

Maintenance enabled

This property, defaulted to 0, shows this warning when a data owner is setting up Data Erasure or Data Compression on a table (Image 2). It's the administrator's responsibility to set up a scheduled maintenance job for performing compression and erasure, and then to change the property to 1 so that the warning no longer appears.

Image 2: Data Compression

Forbidden Passwords table

You can also use a table called Forbidden Passwords to define passwords that won't be accepted by the platform. This table comes with a pre-populated list of passwords from

You can add more blocked passwords to this list as well, and users won't be able to set their password to it (this can be used to add your company's name, or to import other blocked password lists). The check against the list is case insensitive.

Like other password policies, this check occurs when your password changes, so to enforce this you will need to set all passwords to be expired.


Time zones

TSQL Time Zone list

Time ZoneTime Difference (GMT)
Dateline Standard Time-12:00:00
Aleutian Standard Time-10:00:00
Hawaiian Standard Time-10:00:00
Marquesas Standard Time-09:30:00
Alaskan Standard Time-09:00:00
Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)-08:00:00
Pacific Standard Time-08:00:00
US Mountain Standard Time-07:00:00
Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)-07:00:00
Mountain Standard Time-07:00:00
Yukon Standard Time-07:00:00
Central America Standard Time-06:00:00
Central Standard Time-06:00:00
Easter Island Standard Time-06:00:00
Central Standard Time (Mexico)-06:00:00
Canada Central Standard Time-06:00:00
SA Pacific Standard Time-05:00:00
Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)-05:00:00
Eastern Standard Time-05:00:00
Haiti Standard Time-05:00:00
Cuba Standard Time-05:00:00
US Eastern Standard Time-05:00:00
Turks and Caicos Standard Time-05:00:00
Paraguay Standard Time-04:00:00
Atlantic Standard Time-04:00:00
Venezuela Standard Time-04:00:00
Central Brazilian Standard Time-04:00:00
SA Western Standard Time-04:00:00
Pacific SA Standard Time-04:00:00
Newfoundland Standard Time-03:30:00
Tocantins Standard Time-03:00:00
E. South America Standard Time-03:00:00
SA Eastern Standard Time-03:00:00
Argentina Standard Time-03:00:00
Montevideo Standard Time-03:00:00
Magallanes Standard Time-03:00:00
Saint Pierre Standard Time-03:00:00
Bahia Standard Time-03:00:00
Greenland Standard Time-02:00:00
Mid-Atlantic Standard Time-02:00:00
Azores Standard Time-01:00:00
Cabo Verde Standard Time-01:00:00
Coordinated Universal Time00:00:00
GMT Standard Time00:00:00
Greenwich Standard Time00:00:00
Sao Tome Standard Time00:00:00
Morocco Standard Time00:00:00
W. Europe Standard Time01:00:00
Central Europe Standard Time01:00:00
Romance Standard Time01:00:00
Central European Standard Time01:00:00
W. Central Africa Standard Time01:00:00
GTB Standard Time02:00:00
Middle East Standard Time02:00:00
Egypt Standard Time02:00:00
E. Europe Standard Time02:00:00
Syria Standard Time02:00:00
West Bank Gaza Standard Time02:00:00
South Africa Standard Time02:00:00
FLE Standard Time02:00:00
Jerusalem Standard Time02:00:00
South Sudan Standard Time02:00:00
Russia TZ 1 Standard Time02:00:00
Sudan Standard Time02:00:00
Libya Standard Time02:00:00
Namibia Standard Time02:00:00
Jordan Standard Time03:00:00
Arabic Standard Time03:00:00
Turkey Standard Time03:00:00
Arab Standard Time03:00:00
Belarus Standard Time03:00:00
Russia TZ 2 Standard Time03:00:00
E. Africa Standard Time03:00:00
Volgograd Standard Time03:00:00
Iran Standard Time03:30:00
Arabian Standard Time04:00:00
Astrakhan Standard Time04:00:00
Azerbaijan Standard Time04:00:00
Russia TZ 3 Standard Time04:00:00
Mauritius Standard Time04:00:00
Saratov Standard Time04:00:00
Georgian Standard Time04:00:00
Caucasus Standard Time04:00:00
Afghanistan Standard Time04:30:00
West Asia Standard Time05:00:00
Russia TZ 4 Standard Time05:00:00
Pakistan Standard Time05:00:00
Qyzylorda Standard Time05:00:00
India Standard Time05:30:00
Sri Lanka Standard Time05:30:00
Nepal Standard Time05:45:00
Central Asia Standard Time06:00:00
Bangladesh Standard Time06:00:00
Omsk Standard Time06:00:00
Myanmar Standard Time06:30:00
SE Asia Standard Time07:00:00
Altai Standard Time07:00:00
W. Mongolia Standard Time07:00:00
Russia TZ 6 Standard Time07:00:00
Novosibirsk Standard Time07:00:00
Tomsk Standard Time07:00:00
China Standard Time08:00:00
Russia TZ 7 Standard Time08:00:00
Malay Peninsula Standard Time08:00:00
W. Australia Standard Time08:00:00
Taipei Standard Time08:00:00
Ulaanbaatar Standard Time08:00:00
Aus Central W. Standard Time08:45:00
Transbaikal Standard Time09:00:00
Tokyo Standard Time09:00:00
North Korea Standard Time09:00:00
Korea Standard Time09:00:00
Russia TZ 8 Standard Time09:00:00
Cen. Australia Standard Time09:30:00
AUS Central Standard Time09:30:00
E. Australia Standard Time10:00:00
AUS Eastern Standard Time10:00:00
West Pacific Standard Time10:00:00
Tasmania Standard Time10:00:00
Russia TZ 9 Standard Time10:00:00
Lord Howe Standard Time10:30:00
Bougainville Standard Time11:00:00
Russia TZ 10 Standard Time11:00:00
Magadan Standard Time11:00:00
Norfolk Standard Time11:00:00
Sakhalin Standard Time11:00:00
Central Pacific Standard Time11:00:00
Russia TZ 11 Standard Time12:00:00
New Zealand Standard Time12:00:00
Fiji Standard Time12:00:00
Kamchatka Standard Time12:00:00
Chatham Islands Standard Time12:45:00
Tonga Standard Time13:00:00
Samoa Standard Time13:00:00
Line Islands Standard Time14:00:00