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Administrator guide

Overview of administrators

The Cinchy Administrators User Group consists of two types of admins:

  1. Builder Admins
  2. End-User Admins

Both categories have specific permissions and roles within the Cinchy platform.

Permissions table

Admin TypeView All Tables and QueriesModify All Table Data and SchemaModify Data ControlsManage Administrators Group
Builder AdminsYesYesYesYes
End-User AdminsYesNoYesYes

Additional information

  • Being an Admin doesn't change a user's role as either a builder or end-user.
  • All admins can manage the Administrators group through the Groups system table.

Admin management

Builder admins

  • Can configure users, assign groups, and grant builder access.
  • Manage the Administrators group via the Groups system table.

End-User admins

  • Primarily focus on viewing data and modifying data controls.
  • Can view the Administrators group in the Groups system table.

Access requirements

  • Access to the Groups system table is required for managing admin roles.
  • All system tables are viewable by default for members of the Administrators group.

Additional resources