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The Admin panel

You can view the admin panel of your Cinchy instance by using the /admin/index endpoint. This is only reachable if you are logged in as a user with admin access. The admin panel includes the following sections:

Cinchy Healthcheck

The Cinchy Healthcheck shows information about your system such as current version, IP Address, the system time, and your database status (Image 1).

You are also able to reach the platform healthcheck via the /healthcheck API. The following additional healthchecks can be reached by API endpoints as well:

  • idp/healthcheck: The /idp/healthcheck provides a comprehensive status check for the Cinchy Single Sign-On (SSO) component. It returns a JSON response detailing various aspects of the system's health and operational status.
  • /connections/healthcheck: This endpoint checks the health and version information of the Connections API. It's useful for monitoring the API's status and its current version in deployment.
  • /metaforms/healtcheck: This endpoint checks the health and version information of Meta Forms.

Image 1: The Cinchy Healthcheck

Cinchy log files

This section shows a list of viewable log files from your system, as well as their size, creation time, and last modified time (Image 2).


Log files in the Admin Panel are only visible on Cinchy deployments on IIS, or on a version earlier than v5. In those cases, you will need to navigate to OpenSearch (or comparable component).

Image 2: Cinchy Log Files

Review the Data Browser page for information on uploading a logo.