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Cinchy DDL statements

DDL is used to create a database schema and define constraints. The Cinchy DDL functions covered on this page are:

Create Table

The CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new table in a database.

The column parameters specify the names of the columns of the table. The datatype parameter specifies the data type the column can hold (such as varchar, char, int, date).


CREATE TABLE [Domain].[Table_Name] (
[Column1] [datatype],
[Column2] [datatype],
[Column3] [datatype]

Example The below example creates a table called [Employees] in the [HR] domain. It includes the following columns and their respective data types:

  • Employee ID; INT
  • Last Name; VARCHAR(255)
  • First Name; VARCHAR(255)
  • Start Date; DATE
CREATE TABLE [HR].[Employees] (
[Employee_ID] INT,
[LastName] VARCHAR(255),
[FirstName] VARCHAR(255),
[Start Date] DATE

Alter Table

The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an existing table.

The ALTER TABLE statement is also used to add constraints on an existing table. Constraints can be used to limit the type of data that can go into a table. Once added, Cinchy does not store the name of your constraint. In order to modify it in any way you must remember the name.


ALTER TABLE [Domain].[Table_Name]
ADD [column_name] datatype

Examples The below example adds a column named "Email", with the data type VARCHAR(255) to the [Employees] table.

ALTER TABLE [HR].[Employees]
ADD [Email] VARCHAR(255)

The following example adds a constraint on the table where the [Amount] must be equal to or greater than 0.

ALTER TABLE [Production].[Customer]
ADD CONSTRAINT CK_Amount CHECK ([Amount] >= 0)

Drop Table

The DROP TABLE statement is used to drop an existing table in a database.


DROP TABLE [Domain].[Table Name]

Example The below example drops the [Employees] table from the [HR] domain.

DROP TABLE [HR].[Employees]

Create View

Creates a Saved Query.


Despite the name, CREATE VIEW creates Saved Queries, not table views. You can only create a view via the Manage Data UI on a table.


CREATE VIEW [Domain].[Saved Query Name] 
AS <Your Query>


CREATE VIEW [Sales].[Fetch ARR] AS
SELECT [Client Name].[Full Name], [Client Name].[Email Address], [Advisor].[Full Name], [Q1], [Q2]
FROM [Sales].[ARR]

Alter View

Modifies Saved Queries. ALTER VIEW doesn't affect dependent stored procedures or triggers and doesn't change permissions.


Despite the name, ALTERS VIEW updates Saved Queries, not table views. You can only alter a view via the Manage Data UI on a table.


ALTER VIEW [Domain].[Saved Query Name]   
AS <Your Modified Query>


ALTER VIEW [Sales].[Fetch ARR]
SELECT [Client Name].[Full Name], [Client Name].[Email Address], [Advisor].[Full Name], [Q1], [Q2]
FROM [Sales].[ARR]

Drop View

Use the DROP VIEW command to delete a Saved Query.


Despite the name, DROP VIEW deletes Saved Queries, not table views. You can only delete a view via the Manage Data UI on a table.


DROP VIEW [Domain].[Saved Query Name]

Example The below example deletes the "Fetch ARR" query from the [Sales] domain.

DROP VIEW [Sales].[Fetch ARR]

Create Index

The CREATE INDEX statement is used to createindexes in tables.


CREATE INDEX [index_name]
ON [Domain].[Table_Name] ([Column1],[Column2], ...)

Example The below example creates an index called "idx_lastname" on the "Last Name" column from the [Employees] table in the [HR] domain.

CREATE INDEX [idx_lastname]
ON [HR].[Employees] ([LastName])

Drop Index

The DROP INDEX statement is used to delete an index on a table.


DROP INDEX [index_name] ON [Domain].[Table_Name]

Example The below example drops the "idx_lastname" index from the [HR] table in the [Employees] domain.

DROP INDEX [idx_lastname] ON [HR].[Employees]

Truncate Table

The TRUNCATE TABLE statement removes all rows from a table, but the table structure and its columns, constraints, indexes, and so on, remain.

When using TRUNCATE, pay in mind the following considerations:

  • Records are fully deleted from the table, i.e. they will not go into the Recycle Bin.
  • TRUNCATE does not work on tables that include link columns. In those cases, it is recommend to use a DELETE statement instead.


TRUNCATE TABLE [Domain].[Table]


The below example removes all the rows from the [Employees] table in the [HR] domain.