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Cinchy query


Cinchy queries are commonly used data sync sources that leverage the platform's Saved Query functionality. For more on creating Saved Queries, see the Saved queries page.

Example use case

You want to set up batch sync between a Cinchy Query and a Cinchy Table. You query polls for any unapproved timesheets, out of office requests, or sick hours and, if found, adds them to an "Open Approval Tasks" table.

## Info tab

You can find the parameters in the Info tab below (Image 1).


TitleMandatory. Input a name for your data syncCinchy query to Cinchy
DescriptionOptional. Add in a description for your sync. There is a 500 character limit in thie field.
VariablesOptional. Review our documentation on Variables here for more information about this field.
PermissionsData syncs are role based access systems where you can give specific groups read, write, execute, and/or all of the above with admin access. Inputting at least an Admin Group is mandatory.

Source tab

The following table outlines the mandatory and optional parameters you will find on the Source tab (Image 2).

The following parameters will help to define your data sync source and how it functions.

SourceMandatory. Select your source from the drop-down menu.Cinchy Query
DomainMandatory. The domain where your source query resides.Compliance
Query NameMandatory. The name of your source query.Open Tasks
TimeoutOptional. The timeout in seconds for your source query. Defaults to 30 if not entered.120
ParametersOptional. For more info, see Parameters documentation.

Image 2: Define your Source

## Next steps