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Cinchy Event Broker/CDC to REST API Example


This page provides an example walkthrough of the following scenario:

  • Using the Cinchy Event Broker/CDC on a Cinchy Table to sync data updates into a REST API destination.

Example Use Case: Syncing employee information from a Cinchy Table to a REST API, in real time.

This example uses the following features in building the sync:

  • RunQuery -- which uses a query as the trigger for the Cinchy Event Broker/CDC.
  • Webhooks -- which will be used to create a REST API that points to a Cinchy Table for our purposes.

Building the Sync

The example is broken down into the following stages:

  • Define the source
    • Create the source table
    • Turn on the Cinchy Event Broker/CDC
    • Create the query to be used as the trigger
  • Define the destination
    • Create the destination table
    • Create the REST API (via Webhook)
  • Configure the Sync

Define the Source

In this example, our source is a Cinchy table/the Cinchy Event Broker.

Create the Source Table

We have created a [Employee Information (Source)] table, with the following columns:

Column NameDefinitionData TypeExample
Cinchy IDSystem column included by default. This column will be used as a parameter for our RunQuery function.Number1
NameThe name of the employee.TextElias Clarke
Employee NumberThe number associated with the employee.Number117
Date ofBirthThe employee's date of birth.DateMar 14, 1967

Employee Information Source Table

Turn on Change Notifications

To ensure that the Cinchy Event Broker/CDC is actively listening to the table, you must publish the Data Change Notifications.

  1. Navigate to Design Table > Change Notifications.
  2. Check the Publish Data Change Notifications box.

Create the Trigger Query

Instead of having the Cinchy Event Broker/CDC listen to the table, we want to utilize the RunQuery function to have it listen to a query instead.

In this step, we create the query.

The [Employee Information Sync] query uses Cinchy Id as a parameter, and returns the associated [Name], [Employee Number], and [Data of Birth].

SELECT [Cinchy Id] as "Cinchyid", [Name], [Employee Number],[Date of Birth]
FROM [Documentation].[Employee Information (Source)]
and [Cinchy Id]=@CinchyId

Employee Information Sync Query

Define the Destination

In this example, our destination is a REST API.

For our purposes, we are creating a REST API via a Cinchy Table webhook.

Create the Destination Table

We have created an [Employee Information (Destination)] table, with the following column:

Column NameDefinitionData Type
Employee InfoThis column will contain the message posted by the REST API.

Create the REST API

For this example, we are creating an internal REST API that updates our Cinchy destination table. This can be achieved using a Webhook.

Follow the instructions outlined here to create your Webhook, using the [Employee Information (Destination)] table as the API target.

The following example query is used in our Webhook:

Insert into [Documentation].[Employee Information (Destination)] ([Employee Info]) VALUES (@Name);

The following shows what the example Webhook would look like:

Configure the Sync

Now that you have all of the pieces created, you can configure the data sync itself.

  1. Navigate to the Connections Experience.
  2. In the Source tab, input the following:
SourceThe name of your Source type.Cinchy Event Broker
TableTha table that the Event Broker is listening to.Employee Information (Source)
RunQuery - QueryThe name of the query you want to use to trigger the Event Broker.Employee Information Sync
Query ParametersThe parameters associated with the above query."@CinchyId":"Cinchy Id"
SchemaDefine the columns you want to use in your sync.Cinchy Id
Employee Number
Date of Birth
  1. In the Destination tab, input the following:
DestinationThe name of your Destination type.REST API
Insert Specification - Request - HTTP MethodThe type of HTTP method to use.POST
Insert Specification - Request - Endpoint URLThe URL created via
Request Header - Content Type - NameContent-Type
Request Header - Content Type - Header Valuetext/plain
Body - ContentThe content that will be posted. In this example we are requesting the Cinchy Id, Name, Date of Birth, and Employee Number columns.
"Id":"@COLUMN('Cinchy Id')",
"Date of Birth":"@COLUMN('Date of Birth')",
"Employee Number":"@COLUMN('Employee Number')"
  1. In the Sync Actions tab, select Delta.
  2. Save the sync to enable the listener.

We can test the functionality of the sync by adding a new row to the [Employee Information (Source)] table and checking for the matching payload in the [Employee Information (Destination)] table.

