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Snowflake source example config

XML example

This example XML uses the following values:

connectionStringThe connections string for your source"87E4lvPf83gLK8eKapH6Y0YqIFSNbFlq62uN9487"
ObjectThe type of source object"Table"
TableThe name of your source object"Employees"
Column NameThe name(s) of your source column(s)"name"
dataTypeThe data type of your source column"Text"
isMandatoryWhether the column is mandatory or not"false"
validateDataWhether the column data needs to be validated or not"false"

Blank XML example

connectionString=“” object=“” table=“”>
<Column name=“” dataType=“” isMandatory=“” validateData=“”/>

Populated XML example

connectionString="87E4lvPf83gLK8eKapH6Y0YqIFSNbFlq62uN9487" object="table" table="Employees">
<Column name="name" dataType="Text" isMandatory="false" validateData="false"/>