Sources - Event
Sync Stream Sources are an integral part of the real-time sync experience in Connections, and must be configured prior to executing your data sync.
Stream Sources are configured and enabled via the Listener Configuration table or the Connections UI in Cinchy.
While a Stream Source can feasibly be configured at any point during the creation of a real-time data sync, we recommend that you do so as a final step after setting up your Source, Destination, and any other relevant additional settings.
Stream Sources are only used for real-time syncs.
📄️ Cinchy Event Broker/CDC
This page explains the Cinchy Event Broker.
📄️ Data Polling
This page explains the data polling source.
📄️ Kafka Topic
This page explains the Kafka topic source.
📄️ MongoDB Collection (Cinchy event triggered)
This page explains the MongoDB Collection (Cinchy Event Triggered) source.
📄️ MongoDB
This page explains the MongoDB source.
📄️ REST API (Cinchy event triggered)
This page explains the REST API (Cinchy Event Triggered) source.
📄️ Salesforce platform event
This page explains the Salesforce platform event.
📄️ Salesforce PushTopic
This page explains the Salesforce push topic.
📄️ The Listener Config table
This page explains the Listener Config table.