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General questions

Removing and updating a multi-select a link, is the same as setting the link field. The field needs to be updated with the list of values.

The value is a concatenated string of '[Cinchy Id],[Version],[Cinchy Id],[Version],[Cinchy Id],[Version]' from the lookup values

SET T.[Multi-Link Field Name] = '1,1,2,1,3,1'
FROM [Domain].[Table Name] T
WHERE T.[Deleted] IS NULL AND ...

In this example it would set [Multi-Link Field Name] to values with [Cinchy Id] 1, 2, and 3. The version after each Cinchy Id should be 1.


You must provide the full list of multi-select values. If your field was '1,2' and you update it with '3,1' it will end up as '3', not '1,2,3'.

In this case your Cinchy version is

If you would like to use the health check link for monitoring of the Cinchy application you can add "return503OnFailure=true" to the URL


Can I send multiple comma-delimited values to a query parameter? [234,233,365 to be used in WHERE [Id] IN (@param)]

For example: 4,10,15 to be used in WHERE [Id] IN (@param)

This can be done by using parameters in , such as 0,1.

These will be replaced with the exact text when running the query.

For example: ​ SELECT * FROM [HR].[Employees] WHERE [Deleted] IS NULL AND [Employee ID] IN (0) (Image 1).

Image 1: Sending multiple comma-delimited values to a query parameter

How do I map a parameter's value to one of my target columns?

Use the model loader to load it back in the system (/apps/modelloader).

You create a calculated column in the source and give it the value of the parameter.

For each table, export and import the data via the UI.

<Parameter name="snapshotDate" />
<CalculatedColumn name="Snapshot Date" formula="@snapshotDate" dataType="Date" />

Then map the calculated source column to the target. The order of the columns in the source is important. If your source is a file, put the calculated columns at the end in the source, after all the actual columns in the file.

I can't disable Change Approvals

This is caused by records in Draft status. To retrieve these records, run a query with return type Query Results (Including Draft Data).

FROM [Your Domain].[Your Table] T
WHERE T.[Approval State] <> 'Approved'

After approving these records, you will be able to disable change approval.


You may have to restore cancelled records, approve them, and delete them so that everything is approved.