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v5.9 (Kubernetes)

What's new

  • We updated the DevOps automation script in the cinchy.terraform repository for MSSQL instance creation. This includes a new rds object for managing MSSQL databases, alongside the existing Aurora support, with conditional commenting logic in aws.json to seamlessly toggle between Aurora and MSSQL configurations.
  • We've integrated Kafka and Redis logs into OpenSearch, offering improved insight and quicker debugging for Change Data Capture (CDC) processes. This enhancement improves issue resolution and a streamlines monitoring.
  • The process of specifying access and secret keys in aws.json statically has been eliminated. We've now implemented a dynamic approach by creating an S3 bucket-specific policy. This policy is attached to an IAM role, which, in turn, is associated with the pod through annotations. This enhancement improves security and simplifies the configuration process for seamless integration with AWS services.

Upgrading on Kubernetes

To upgrade your various components, follow the instructions below in the order presented.



If you have made custom changes to your deployment file structure, please contact your Support team before you upgrade your environments.

Upgrade from 5.1 or lower

If you are upgrading from Cinchy v5.1 or lower to Cinchy v5.8, you must run Upgrade 5.2 using the Cinchy Utility and deploy version 5.2.

Upgrade from v5.2 or higher

If you are upgrading from 5.2 or higher, follow the 5.8 upgrade instructions below, then use the Cinchy Utility and deploy the target version using the -v "X.X" argument.

Upgrade from v5.6 or lower

If you are upgrading from v5.6 or lower, follow the 5.7 upgrade steps.

Configure to the newest version

Clean existing repositories

  1. Go to your cinchy.argocd repository. Delete all existing folder structure except for the .git folder/directory and any custom changes you may have implemented.
  2. Go to your cinchy.kubernetes repository. Delete all existing folder structure except for the .git file.
If you have

cinchy.kubernetes\cluster_components\servicemesh\istio\istio-injection\argocd-ns.yaml file and it's not commented, don't change it. Changing this will delete your ArgoCD namespace, which will force you to delete everything from Kubernetes and redeploy. :::

  1. Go to your cinchy.terraform repository. Delete all existing folder structure except for the .git file.
  2. Go to your cinchy.devops.automation repository. Delete all existing folder structure except for the .git file and your deployment.json.

Download k8s template

  1. Download and open the new Cinchy v5.8 file from the Cinchy Releases table and place the files into their respective cinchy.kubernetes, cinchy.argocd, cinchy.terraform and cinchy.devops.automation repositories.
  2. Go to the new aws.json/azure.json files and compare them with your current deployment.json file. All additional fields in the new aws.json/azure.json files should be added to your current deployment.json.
  3. Update the Kubernetes version in your deployment.json. To upgrade EKS to a new version, you need to follow an upgrade sequence, installing each incremental version one by one. For example, you might need to upgrade from 1.24 to 1.25, then from 1.25 to 1.26, and finally from 1.26 to 1.27.

You may have changed the name of the deployment.json file during your original platform deployment. If so, make sure that you swap up the name wherever it appears in this document.

Upgrade and redeploy components

  1. Open a shell/terminal from the cinchy.devops.automations directory and execute the following command:

    dotnet Cinchy.DevOps.Automations.dll "deployment.json"
  2. Commit all of your changes (if there were any) in each repository.

  3. If there were any changes in your cinchy.argocd repository you may need to redeploy ArgoCD.Launch a shell/terminal with the working directory set to the root of the cinchy.argocd repository.

  4. Execute the following command to deploy ArgoCD:

  5. Validate ArgoCD pods are running and check that ArgoCD is upgraded v2.7.6 by accessing the ArgoCD application Console.

  6. Execute the following command to deploy cluster components and Cinchy components:

  7. You might see a couple of ArgoCD apps out of sync. Sync them manually.

Upgrade AWS EKS and Azure AKS

To upgrade the AWS EKS and Azure AKS version from 1.24 up to 1.27.x, you have two methods. The method depends on the status of the subnet CIDR range. The CIDR is a blocker for Azure only. For AWS export credentials and for Azure run the az login command, if required.

  1. Go to your cinchy.devops.automations repository and change AKS/EKS version in deployment.json (or <cluster name>.json) within the same directory.

  2. From a shell/terminal, navigate to the cinchy.devops.automations directory location and execute the following command:

    dotnet Cinchy.DevOps.Automations.dll "deployment.json"

AWS - Cinchy.terraform repository structure

The AWS deployment updates a folder named eks_cluster in the Terraform > AWS directory. Within that directory is a subdirectory with the same name as the created cluster.

To perform terraform operations, the cluster directory must be the working directory during execution.

Azure - Cinchy.terraform repository structure

The Azure deployment updates a folder named aks_cluster Within the Terraform > Azure directory. Within that directory is a subdirectory with the same name as the created cluster.

For AWS and Azure export credentials run the az login command if required.

Run the command below to start the upgrade process. Make sure to verify before you select yes to upgrade the process. This shouldn't delete or destroy any data. It runs an in-place deployment that will update the Kubernetes version.

Before accepting the change, verify that it meets your expectations

and ensures the protection of your database and any other resources. This command will create, update, or destroy vnet, subnet, AKS cluster, and AKS node groups. Make sure to review the changes before proceeding. :::